Suggested Learning Resources


2) Video Lesson: YouTube TakadimiRhythm Channel

3) Online Reading: Counting Systems

4) Interactive Lesson: Counting Rhythm

Music Theory QuickThink: 

Eastman Counting System

-          The start of each beat is counted with a number (1, 2, 3, 4, etc.)

-          Each measure starts over with beat 1

-          Each division (halfway between the start of one beat and the next) is marked with an & (pronounced ‘and’ sometimes marked ‘+’)

-          The first subdivision (Halfway from the start of the beat and the division, is marked with ‘e’)

-          The second subdivision (hallway from & and the start of the next beat, is marked with ‘a’)

-          Each part of a fully subdivided measure of 3 beats is marked as “1 e & a” “2 e & a” “3 e & a”

Takadimi counting system

-          The start of each beat is counted with a “ta” (ta, ta, ta, ta, etc.)

-          Each division (halfway between the start of one beat and the next) is marked with a “di”

-          The first subdivision (Halfway from the start of the beat and the division, is marked with ‘ka’)

-          The second subdivision (hallway from & and the start of the next beat, is marked with ‘mi’)

-          Each part of a fully subdivided measure of 3 beats is marked as “ta ka di mi” “ta ka di mi” “ta ka di mi”

Objective 1.21: Examples in Music: YouTube

Objective 1.21: Utilize Eastman (1&2&) and Takadimi counting systems to identify rhythmic markers within a measure for simple meters