Objective 1.4: Identify how accidentals affect notes, using the keyboard

-          A sharp sign (#) raises a named pitch by one half step

-          A flat sign (b) lowers a named pitch by one half step

-          A double sharp (x) raises a named pitch by two half steps

-          A double flat (bb) lowers a named pitch by two half steps

-          Natural signs remove any of the above accidentals, resulting in the natural letter named note.

Music Theory QuickThink:

Suggested Learning Resources


2) Video Lesson: YouTube Nathan Muehl http://youtu.be/R4NOYH806aU

3) Online Reading:Music Theory Blogspot http://musictheoryblog.blogspot.com/2007/01/sharps-and-flats.html

4) Interactive Lesson: MusicTheory.net http://www.musictheory.net/lessons/20

Objective 1.4: Examples in Music: YouTube
