Suggested Learning Resources


2) Video Lesson: YouTube ArtOfCounterpoint Channel

3) Online Reading: Lesson

4) Interactive Lesson: 

Music Theory QuickThink: 

-          Invertible counterpoint is such that if the cantus firmus and counterpoint lines were switched, the result would still follow counterpoint rules.  (note: examples of first species invertible counterpoint do not include any Perfect 5ths, because they would result P4ths when inverted)


-          NOTE: Why are we learning counterpoint?  - Some Theory texts do not cover counterpoint in the Theory 1 scope and sequence. Advanced counterpoint study is often offered at University as an entire separate one or two semester following Theory 4.  We are learning the topic because

(Laitz's The Complete Musician covers 1st and 2nd species counterpoint, Francoli's Harmony in Context covers 1st through 4th species, and Clendinning's The Musician's Guide covers 1st through 5th.  Kostka's Tonal Harmony does not formally introduce counterpoint). 

Objective 11.3: Examples in Music: YouTube

Objective 11.3: Define and identify invertible counterpoint