Suggested Learning Resources


2) Video Lesson: Voice-leading Basics 5 Kendall Kennison Channel

3) Online Reading: 

4) Interactive Lesson: 

Music Theory QuickThink: 

-          If the leading tone is present, it should resolve up by step

-          The strongest harmonic motion will involve the I chord in root position

-          All other notes of the V chord should move to the nearest notes in the one chord for smoothest voice leading (in some cases, the note would stay the same)

-          Check for appropriate doubling in both chords according to the doubling rules/guidelines

-          Must avoid parallel and contrary 5ths and parallel and contrary octaves in any combination of two of the four voices.

-          Hidden fifths should be avoided between the outer voices (soprano and bass)

Objective 17.7: Examples in Music: YouTube

Objective 17.7: Correctly notate the resolution of a V (of any inversion) to I chord following proper voice leading rules