Suggested Learning Resources


2) Video Lesson: Voice Leading Basics 4 Kendall Kennison Channel

3) Online Reading: Diatonic Sequences

4) Interactive Lesson: 

Music Theory QuickThink: 

-          If the root note of a chord is a 5th below the root of the chord that precedes it, to the two chords have a descending 5th root motion relationship

-          Chords possessing this relationship include (I – IV) (IV – vii) (vii – iii) (iii – vi) (vi – ii) (ii – V) (V – I)

-          IMPORTANT: In written notation, the bass of the second chord does not actually have to descend by a 5th in order for the two chords to have this relationship (example:  I – IV6  is a descending 5th by root motion relationship, even though the written bass motion is likely a descending 3rd or and ascending 6th)

Objective 20.2: Examples in Music: YouTube

Objective 20.2: Identify chords that possess a descending 5th root motion relationship