Suggested Learning Resources


2) Video Lesson: Suspensions MusicTheoryMadness Channel

Bonus Video 1: Suspensions 2 MusicTheoryMadness Channel

Bonus Video 2: Suspensions Byron Weigel Channel

Bonus Video 3: Suspensions Dr. Gawboy Vimeo Channel

3) Online Reading: Suspensions

4) Interactive Lesson: 

Music Theory QuickThink: 

-          In SATB writing, a suspension does not have to be held over the barline (meaning it can occur within the measure).

-          In SATB writing, a suspension may, or may not, involve a tied note.

-          A suspension occurs when a pitch of a consonant harmonic interval is held while the other voice(s) move.  The suspended tone then resolves downward by step.  There are three parts to every suspension (1) the preparation, which is the harmonic consonance prior to the suspension (2) the suspension, which usually forms a dissonant harmonic interval, (3) the resolution, the result of the suspended note moving down by step into a consonant harmonic interval

-          A dissonant suspension is the most common type of suspension.  It involves a dissonant “suspended” interval moving to a consonant harmonic interval.  If the suspended note is in the top voice, the dissonant suspension types could be 4-3, 7-6, or 9-8  … where the first number dissonant interval (above the bass) and the second number is the resolve consonant interval (above the same bass).   If the suspended pitch is in the bass voice, then the common dissonant suspension type is a 2-3.

-          A consonant suspension is where both the suspended interval and the resolution interval are both consonant. If the suspended pitch is in the upper voice the consonant suspension type is 6-5.

-          If you follow a suspension with the same type of suspension, that is called creating a chain of suspensions.  The common chain of suspension types are 4-3, 7-6, and 2-3.  The other suspension types are note found in chains as they imply parallel 5th or parallel octave motion

-          A double suspension is when you have more than one suspension occur at the same time.

-          NOTE: Between the point of suspension and the point of resolution, you may find embellishing pitches.

Objective 21.2: Examples in Music: YouTube

Objective 21.2: Define Identify and Label the different types of suspensions in the context of four-part SATB voicing (dissonant suspension, consonant suspension, chain of suspensions, double suspension)