Suggested Learning Resources


2) Video Lesson: 

3) Online Reading: Linear Intervallic Patterns

4) Interactive Lesson: 

Music Theory QuickThink: 

-          A sequence in music refers to a type of repeated pattern

-          There are several different types (categories) of sequences in music

-          The Linear Intervallic Pattern (LIP) refers to a continuous interval pattern found between the soprano and bass voices in an excerpt of music

-          For example, the soprano and bass voices could move in a manner where their harmonic interval is always a 10th (LIP = 10)

-          For example, the soprano and bass voices could move in a manner where their harmonic intervals are always a 6th followed by a 10th (6, 10, 6, 10 etc.) (LIP = 10-6)

Objective 25.3: Examples in Music: YouTube

Objective 25.3: Define, identify, and label Linear-intervallic-pattern