Suggested Learning Resources


2) Video Lesson: Harmonic Sequence Descending Fifth NelsDaily Channel

3) Online Reading: Diatonic Sequence

4) Interactive Lesson: 

Music Theory QuickThink: 

-          A Descending Fifth Harmonic sequence is a series of chords, where the root note of those chords are each a descending 5th apart.

-          An example using roman numerals is I, IV, vii, iii, vi, ii V, I

-          If you move through all the chords listed above, this is sometimes called a circle progression (because you ended on the chord you started)

-          You may have just a few of the chords listed above, in that order, to have a descending fifth harmonic sequence, or you may see the entire progression in a piece of music.

-          NOTE: When these chords, or harmonies, appear in real music, they do not have to be in root position, and the root notes do not need to be voiced according to the descriptive interval to maintain that label.  As long as the chords follow in that manner, regardless of position or inversion, they maintain the harmonic sequence relationship

-          This type of sequence often appears with an LIP present (see previous objective)

Objective 26.1: Examples in Music: YouTube

Objective 26.1: Define, identify, and label Descending Fifth Harmonic Sequence (with LIP)