Suggested Learning Resources


2) Video Lesson: Post-Tonal Music Theory Intro Rebecca Troyer Channel

3) Online Reading: 20th Century Pitch Theory

4) Interactive Lesson: 

Music Theory QuickThink:

-          Integer notation assigns each pitch class to a fixed integer; C = 0, C#/Db = 1, D = 2, D#/Eb = 3, E = 4, F = 5, F#/G# = 6, G = 7, G#/Ab = 8, A = 9, A#/Bb = 10 (sometimes called 't' as to avoid confusion with 1 and 0), and B = 11 (sometimes called 'e' to avoid confusion with two 1's). NOTE: we will be using t for 10 and e for 11 from now on.

-          Enharmonic pitches are considered to be the same integer. (Eb and D# are both the integer 3)

Objective 46.2: Examples in Music: YouTube

Objective 46.2: Define integer notation, and be able to list any set of pitch letters as integer notation