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2) Video Lesson:

3) Online Reading: Interval (class) caluclations

4) Interactive Lesson: 

Music Theory QuickThink:

To calculate the ordered-pitch-class-interval between two notes...

- Convert the letter names of the pitches to integer notation

- If the two notes appear in the order of X, Y   do the following calculation   Y-X (mod12)

- The result will always be an interval number between 0 and 11

- Example B4 to A3 become the numbers 11 and 9.    9-11 = 10 (mod12)

- You can also check this by counting how many steps it takes to move around the clockface, clockwise, from starting pitch 11 to ending pitch 9 (10 half-steps)


To calculate the unordered-pitch-class-interval between two notes...

- Convert the letter names of the pitches to integer notation

- Find the shortest possible number of half-steps between the two pitches regardless of order or direction

- One method is to calculate X-Y and Y-X (mod12) and use the smaller of the resulting values

- The result will always be an interval number between 0 and 6

- Example B4 to A3 become the number 11 and 9 ... 11-9 = 2   and 9-11 = 10 (mod12)   ... Thus the unordered-pitch-class-interval is 2

Objective 49.2: Examples in Music: YouTube

Objective 49.2: Calculate ordered-pitch-class-intervals and unordered-pitch-class-intervals