Suggested Learning Resources


2) Video Lesson: YouTube Major Triads Nathan Muehl Channel

YouTube Minor Diminished and Augmented Triads

3) Online Reading: Lesson

4) Interactive Lesson: Triad Identification

Music Theory QuickThink: 

-          Major triads, in root position (compact stacked thirds with no gaps) have 4 half steps between the root and the third and 3 half steps between the third and the 5th

-          minor triads, in root position (compact stacked thirds with no gaps) have 3 half steps between the root and the third and 4 half steps between the third and the 5th

-          Augmented triads, in root position (compact stacked thirds with no gaps) have 4 half steps between the root and the third and 4 half steps between the third and the 5th

-          Diminished triads, in root position (compact stacked thirds with no gaps) have 3 half steps between the root and the third and 3 half steps between the third and the 5th

Objective 5.2: Examples in Music: YouTube

Objective 5.2: Identify and Notate, triad qualities of Major, Minor, Augmented, Diminished