Suggested Learning Resources


2) Video Lesson: Asymmetric Meter channel

3) Online Reading: Asymmetric Meter

Rhythm and Meter

4) Interactive Lesson: 

Music Theory QuickThink:

- Symmetrical meters are those where primary beats are evenly spaced throughout the measure and were the divisions and subdivisions are consistent from beat to beat.

- Asymmetric meters contain beat units of unequal duration.  An example would be the meter of 7/8  .  Music with this meter likely has 3 main pulses, with the divisions of either (2+2+3) , (3+2+2), of (2+3+2).

- Ametric music has no perceived meter even though a meter may have been written into the notation

- Additive rhythm is one technique to achieve an ametric effect, often with no notated meter, where a small note value acts as a divisional unit and is the basis for creating longer durations

- Time-line notation passage of time and rhythm is measured by a certain number of seconds rather than specific rhythmic values and tempo.  The use of time-line notation can be done with standard notation or is often an opportunity to use a nonstandard graphic notation.

Objective 58.3: Examples in Music: YouTube

Objective 58.3: Identify asymmetrical meter, ametric music, additive rhythm, and time-line notation in real music examples