Suggested Learning Resources


2) Video Lesson: YouTube MusicFraser Channel

3) Online Reading: Lesson

4) Interactive Lesson: Triad Identification (set options to include inversions)

Music Theory QuickThink: 

-          If the root of the triad is the lowest sounding pitch, the triad is in root position.

-          If the third of the triad is the lowest sounding pitch, the triad is in first inversion

-          If the fifth of the triad is the lowest sounding pitch, the triad is in second inversion

-          NOTE: Only the note that is the lowest sounding pitch determines the position of the triad, the upper notes can be placed in any manner.

Objective 6.2: Examples in Music: YouTube

Objective 6.2: Identify and notate triads in root position, first inversion, and second inversion