Suggested Learning Resources


2) Video Lesson: YouTube Bill Hilton Channel

3) Online Reading: Lesson

4) Interactive Lesson:

Music Theory QuickThink: 

-          Stack notes in thirds by starting with a note letter, and list every other letter thereafter (ex. C, E, G, B ect.)

-          Thinking of the staff, if your starting note is on a line, place notes on the lines above to stack thirds.  If your starting note is on a space, place notes on the spaces above to stack thirds.


-          When four notes are stacked in thirds in their most compact form (no spaces between the notes).  The bottom note is called the Root, the next note is call the third of the chord, the next note is called the 5th of the chord, and the top note is called the 7th of the chord.  (Ex  G = root, B = 3rd, D = 5th, F=7th)

-          The specific pitches retain their labels, root, third, fifth, seventh no matter what position they are in (ex.  in a G, B, D, F chord… if the G is the highest sounding pitch, it is still the root of the G chord)

Objective 8.1: Examples in Music: YouTube

Objective 8.1: Stack notes in thirds to create seventh chords, and Label notes of a seventh chord as the root, third, fifth, or seventh