Suggested Learning Resources


2) Video Lesson: YouTube BaughMusicTheory Channel

3) Online Reading: ThetaMusicianTrainer (is missing diminished-diminished)

4) Interactive Lesson: Teoria Chord Construction

Music Theory QuickThink: 

-          There are five common seventh chord qualities that we study.

-          Each seventh chord has two separate quality names.

-          The first quality name refers to the quality of the triad (root, third, fifth)

-          The second quality names refers to the quality of the interval from the root to the seventh

-          A Major Major Seventh chord involves a Major Triad (Root Third Fifth), and a Major Seventh Interval (Root, up to 7th). (Ex. G, B, D, F#)

-          A Major minor Seventh chord involves a Major Triad (Root Third Fifth), and a minor Seventh Interval (Root, up to 7th). (Ex. G, B, D, F)

-          A minor minor Seventh chord involves a minor Triad (Root Third Fifth), and a minor Seventh Interval (Root, up to 7th). (Ex. G, Bb, D, F)

-          A diminished minor Seventh chord involves a diminished Triad (Root Third Fifth), and a minor Seventh Interval (Root, up to 7th). (Ex. G, Bb, Db, F)

-          A diminished diminished Seventh chord involves a diminished Triad (Root Third Fifth), and a diminished Seventh Interval (Root, up to 7th). (Ex. G, Bb, Db, Fb)

Objective 8.3: Examples in Music: YouTube

Objective 8.3: Identify, Notate, seventh chord qualities as Major Major, Major Minor, Minor Minor, Diminished Minor, Diminished Diminished